Tin trooper
|Name=Tin Trooper
|Hit Dice=Construct 5
|Base Statistics=BAB +4, BF +1, BR +1, BW +1
|Abilities=Str 16 Dex 16 Con - Int - Wis 10 Cha 1
|Movement=30 ft
|Space/Reach=5 ft/5 ft
|Attacks=Martial melee weapon +8, damage as weapon.
|AC=20 (+3 dex, +7 natural armor), touch 13, flat-footed 17
|Special Defenses=Construct traits, object energy resistance, DR 5/magic
|Feats=Weapon focus (one martial melee weapon) (b), weapon focus (one martial missile weapon) (b)
|Harvest=Profession (miner) check x10 lbs of tin (max 200 lbs)

- Creation
- Body requires 1600 gp worth of tin.
- One nonmagical martial melee weapon of your choice
- One nonmagical martial missile weapon of your choice
- Animation requires 7,000 gp worth of arcane components and 320 xp.
Alternate versions
- Tin Trooper Captain
- Change Intelligence score to 10. The captain gains the ability to order other troopers, according to a strategy provided by the commanding creature. Can command up to 10 troopers.
:Increases cost in arcane components by 3,000 gp.
Tin troopers are the grunts of the automaton army. While expensive to produce, a wealthy enough customer can afford dozens, which will provide ample protection and unwavering loyalty. Tin troopers are programmed to take orders from predetermined creatures. Individual troopers can be promoted to captains, thus eliminating the need to individually order every trooper.
Tin troopers fight well alone, but even better in groups. They use such tactics as aid another, flanking, grappling, disarming, and taking cover. Troopers under a common command always seek to work together in this manner, unless specifically told not to.